Top 10 Checkpoints for a Business Case

business case checkpointsAre you facing the challenge of writing a business case? A business case explains why your organisation will invest time and resources into a project. Without a rock-solid business case your project is unlikely to get a return on investment.

Below is a short video giving you a checklist of questions to ask before you submit your business case for approval.


Here’s the checklist of 10 questions to ask yourself before you submit your business case to your sponsor for approval.

  1. Have the reasons for the project been specified and are they consistent with any corporate strategies?
  2. Has the preferred business option been stated?
  3. Has it been explained why the preferred business option was recommended?
  4. Are the benefits clearly identified and justified?
  5. Have both the project timescales and the benefits realization timescales been identified?
  6. Is it clear how and when the benefits will be realized?
  7. Have both the project costs and the ongoing operational and maintenance costs been specified?
  8. Have the funding arrangements been specified?
  9. Has the investment appraisal used the organisation’s recommended standard?
  10. Have the major project risks been stated, together with any proposed responses?

A good business case helps you or your organisation take sensible decisions about committing time and resources to a project or activity – make sure you get it right.

Click here for more details on how to write a Business Case and to download a simple, but comprehensive business case template with compliments from Knowledge Train, a Project Management Training Company.
