How to Create a Perfect Remote Work Environment

How to create a perfect remote work environment

With the spread of COVID-19 as a declared pandemic across the world, the transitioning to working remotely, or what is classically called ‘work from home’ (WFH) has equally spread fast. Many organisations have realised that their staff can continue working from home without interruption, therefore minimising the impact of the virus lockdowns.

However, working remotely has it’s own challenges that need to be overcome in order to stay productive.

Herewith an Infographic guide, with compliments from Wrike, that covers everything you need from room temperature to ergonomic chairs, from what you play on your headphones to what you put in your belly. We trust that this will help you to stay super productive!

How to Create Your Perfect Remote Work Environment (#Infographic)
Infographic brought to you by Wrike