Working With Virtual Teams – Useful Tools

Working with virtual teams is a challenge that many project managers are facing today. Virtual teams are individuals or groups who dispersed geographically, but work together to accomplish a common goal or a project scope. These teams may have limited or no face to face interactions. Though the team members may be physically located in different geographies, they share a common goal and have roles and responsibilities defined like any other project teams.

virtual teams
Working with virtual teams is rapidly becoming a standard and is no longer an exception. Although the cost benefits of having virtual teams is a primary factor and business justification for working with virtual teams, knowledge availability is also a key driver. Sometimes the required knowledge and skills might not be available locally or at one place. In such cases a virtual team might be a very good option. Similarly, virtual teams are also created to address time zone related requirements i.e. where round the clock work is required. Then work is shared between teams located in different time zones.

Tools (Technology) for Virtual Teams

Let’s look at some tools that facilitate working with virtual teams. Useful tools include software, hardware and the underlying technology that supports or enables them. The tools also include the innovations in network infrastructure which is the backbone for virtual teams enabling organization to operate in a true border-less ecosystem. These tools are primarily technology driven and facilitate collaboration and communication between teams.
Collaboration Tools

Collaboration tools enable virtual teams to accomplish the common goal. Virtual teams need to interact in the same manner as

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Essential Communication Skills For Project Managers

Jo Ann Sweeney,  a communications consultant based in London, wrote an article about one of the essential communication skills for project managers, namely Active Listening.

Active Listening

I was one of the project managers in March that was interviewed by Jo Ann Sweeney. She did research about the top five communication skills project managers need to lead their teams.

“Active listening is the most important leadership skill for any project,” said South African Linky Van Der Merwe PMP. “We need to listen so we can understand requirements and needs, especially with regard to stakeholders.This should happen throughout the project, not just at the beginning.”

Read the rest of her article here.